Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yes I am still here :)

Life has taken over. Still trying to balance all of my many duties and keep myself in shape. I seem to have lost my momentum that I had. But, I am still not giving up. I am still very faithful about going to the gym. It is just the nutrition that is kicking my butt.

I have been really down lately. I am so frustrated with myself and the "health" choices I keep making. Just trying to find some way to get back on track. I was doing great and totally motivated but then something just clicked in my head. I know that there is this weight hurdle that I can not convince myself that it is possible for me to get under. So every time I am doing well and getting close to that number I sabotage myself.  I am a strong women. I have been through a lot more then this in my life and I don't understand why I cant just do it. So frustrating!

I am so thankful to have a great friend and a wonderful husband who are both there to pull me back when I need to get out of my poor me mode. So I am back to blogging because I know that was helping me a lot. So here comes everything. You will now be hearing about the bad days and the good days. Lucky you! :)

Here are the new changes that will be taking place in my life:

1. I am going to keep a food log.  This always helps me keep on track.

2. I am focusing back on me. I will not let other peoples opinions or attitudes bring me down. This is for me and my family so these will be the people I am focused on.

3. I will remember where I came from and the success I have had. No more feeling guilty because I didn't reach my goal last month. Today is a new day and I can do this.

4. I will Blog, Blog, Blog. It is therapy for me :)

5. I will stay OFF the scale. I am allowing myself to weigh in only every 5 weeks. This number is not the determination of my health and I need to remember that!

6. I will smile and enjoy my life. I am blessed with so much. I have so much to be thankful for. Time to be positive!

I really appreciate everyone who has been asking about my progress and keeping me motivated. If you don't hear from me in the next couple weeks just holler at me and get me back on track. Believe me I need all the support I can get!